John M is a Linux fan in Lowell, MA.
I work at at a company writing software. I fool around with Free and Open Source software for fun & profit.
I was big into and you can still see some of what I listen to there. I can also be found using github and recently sourcehut as well as bitbucket (historically). I don't care for most popular social media sites. If I have an account on one or the other it's probably either old and unused or was created just for tinkering.
Links to things I like, use, or otherwise feel is worth sharing. Things I'd like to see get more popular.
My home directory as seen by filelight. My collection of movies grows with every episode of heroes I record off of the tv. I'm ripping more DVDs too, since its more convenient to have them on disk.
My music collection takes up a lot of space too. The Storage dir is dominated by a bunch of disk & filesystem images for qemu and other oddball experiments.
© Copyright 2009-2020 John Mulligan
Every blog page or article on this site is available under the CC-BY-SA license unless otherwise noted.