Birch Street Computing -

about me

John M is a Linux fan in Lowell, MA.

I work at at a company writing software. I fool around with Free and Open Source software for fun & profit.

I was big into and you can still see some of what I listen to there. I can also be found using github and recently sourcehut as well as bitbucket (historically). I don't care for most popular social media sites. If I have an account on one or the other it's probably either old and unused or was created just for tinkering.


Links to things I like, use, or otherwise feel is worth sharing. Things I'd like to see get more popular.

Nasuni, at long last

Today is a crazy day at work, because we're launching our product beta to the world. The Nasuni Filer provides a local network filesystem (CIFS) that is backed by cloud storage, and the user can choose what cloud vendor to use. Files are encrypted remotely and snapshots are automatically made available.

I won't say what parts I worked on. At least not until its been out there for a while. :-)

Everybody is hopping around looking at a monitor we set up to show who's signing up and downloading filers. Let's see if I can get some work done today amidst the excitement.

Every blog page or article on this site is available under the CC-BY-SA license unless otherwise noted.